Foundation, Term 1: Investigations 

Focus: Observations Scope and sequence: Tallies, Data, Tables

Learning intention: Students share observations and answer questions about data which they have collected.

NSW Syllabus
Australian Curriculum (version 9.0)
"A student observes, questions and collects data to communicate ideas." (STe-1WS-S)
"Students learn to engage in investigations safely and make observations using their senses." (AC9SFI02)

Introduction to the topic

The following video (5:24) explains how our five senses can be used to help us make observations about the objects around us.

Making a tally

A tally is a good way to count objects as demonstrated in the following video (1:58) using garden flowers as an example.

Tallies can also be very useful for keeping score in sporting matches as the score can be changed by adding to the tally without having to rewrite it.

Introduction to the word 'data'

This video (2:21) is a child-friendly introduction to data using examples from sorting the laundry.

Introduction to tables

Tables are a logical way to present data.

Dice rolling activity

   Did any number occur more than another?

   Did any number occur more than another? This could also be phrased as, "Are there any patterns in the data?"

Why was seven the most common number? (Hover over the question icon to reveal the answer.)

Extension activity: In addition to rolling actual dice, there is an activity in SILO 3.4 'Coding' titled Making dice where students use micro:bits to generate numbers. This is a good introduction to block-based coding because students can quickly see that they can choose how the micro:bits generate the numbers by pressing Button A, Button B, or shaking the micro:bit as if they were shaking actual dice in their hand.

Reflex activity

This activity can be done in pairs using a ruler, paper and a pencil.

Moderated self-assessment


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