SILO 3.4 (DRAFT)Year 3, Term 4: CodingFocus: Coding Scope and sequence: Coding |
intention: Students
engage in coding to interact with virtual and tangible
NSW Syllabus
Australian Curriculum (version
"A student defines problems,
describes and follows algorithms to develop solutions."
"Students learn to implement
simple algorithms as visual programs involving control
structures and input." (AC9TDI4P04)
This video (1:49) from NASA is an engaging look into the importance of coding.
Introduction to block-based code using micro:bit (
This video (2:09) is also a very good introduction to the
BBC micro:bit.
The following picture identifies some of the components and features of the micro:bit.
Using buttons on the micro:bit
The following screenshot depicts an introductory activity using the two buttons on the micro:bit.
This game uses randomly generated coordinates to light up an LED each time Button B is pressed. The aim is to illuminate all of the 25 LEDs as quickly as possible but the last ones are the hardest to get because the randomly generated coordinates will often be illuminating an LED which is already lit so it might appear that nothing is happening for a while.
Pressing Button A will clear the screen and restart the game. If other students have this game loaded on their micro:bits they can race each other by commencing the game at the same time.
To make a potentially faster version of this game, modify the code so that each button will turn on an LED. The game will then allow you to use two thumbs or fingers instead of one. Also, modify the code so that the game is reset by pressing Buttons A and B at the same time. However, be careful not to press Buttons A and B accidentally during the game or the screen will be cleared and you will have to start again!
Are the any other ways to speed this game up? What if Button A was assigned for some of the LEDs and Button B was assigned for the others? How could you describe this scenario in terms of probability?
The micro:bit can detect the temperature so making a thermometer is as easy as using the following code. An alternative to this could be to use a blue 'Forever' block so that the temperature is continually displayed and updated rather than having to press a button.
The micro:bit has an in-built accelerometer. This means that it can be used to detect motion, including being shaken. The following code is all that is required to make a dice.
When it comes to making a decision or
moving towards an end goal, it involves the process of checking
and taking action. You are going through the action of
checking if something is true or false, and then
taking the corresponding action based on your findings. We call the
combination of IF and THEN in the process of making a
decision a CONDITIONAL STATEMENT, and this is very useful in
the instructional aspect of coding.
Let’s go through some examples where we need to check the
conditions before taking action. Try and point out which is the
condition, which is the action.
IF it’s sunny out, THEN wear sunscreen.
In this one, the first step is to check the weather to see if it is
sunny. If the statement that it’s sunny outside is TRUE, we
will put on sunscreen. If it’s FALSE, we do not need to.
For today’s activity, everyone is going to get a number. Your task is
to move through the classroom, stopping at each of the signs that have
been put up around the room. These signs will consist of symbols we
have learned so far in the unit (>, =, <). You are going to go
through the conditional statement process we have outlined, first checking
your number to see where it falls in relation to the symbol, then
taking the action of moving to the correct side.
For example, if your number is a 6, and you come across a sign stating
“< 9”, you are going to first check if this statement is
true or not. Take a look at your number; if it is true that your
number is < 9, move to the LEFT and check the next
condition. Otherwise, move to the RIGHT. At the end of the
game, we will see where each classmate ended up, and the path that
they followed!
Try making your own code so that you program the micro:bit to show either rock paper or scissors.
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