Year 3, Term 3: Questioning and predicting

Focus: Hypotheses

Scope and sequence: Probability, If-then statements, Hypotheses

Learning intention: Students plan and conduct scientific investigations to answer questions using representations of data.

NSW Syllabus
Australian Curriculum (version 9.0)
"A student questions, plans and conducts scientific investigations, collects and summarises data and communicates using scientific representations." (ST2-1WS-S)
"Students learn to pose questions to explore observed patterns and relationships and make predictions based on observations." (AC9S3I01)

Introduction to the topic

Tops and tails game

This game only requires two coins but it is also good to use music. The rules are as follows:


(Image source:

The following diagram is based on the game rock, paper scissors.

If-then statements

An important part of hypotheses is the idea of if-then statements.  This is an important concept which will be expanded in SILO 3.4 'Coding'.  The following video (2:22) touches on if-then statements but only briefly.



A nervous experiment

Full details for this experiment can be found at

© Arizona Board of Regents / ASU Ask A Biologist

What you need:

© Arizona Board of Regents / ASU Ask A Biologist

Types of inquiry

Predictions and educated guesses

Moderated self-assessment


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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