SILO 2.4 (DRAFT)Year 2, Term 4: AlgorithmsFocus: Algorithms Scope and sequence: Algorithms |
intention: Students
explore number patterns as an introduction to algorithms.
NSW Syllabus
Australian Curriculum
(version 9.0)
"A student describes, follows and
represents algorithms to solve problems." (ST1-3DP-T)
"Students learn to recognise,
describe and create additive patterns that increase or decrease
by a constant amount, using numbers, shapes and objects, and
identify missing elements in the pattern." (AC9M2A01)
The following video (2:30) provides an excellent overview of algorithms.
Number guessing game
The game is played again with a student running the game.
The next stage with this activity is to contrast good guesses such as "Is it lower than 50?" with random guesses such as "Is it 87?" This can then be used as an introduction to algorithms where the aim is to narrow down the options. This is also a good way to introduce the word 'strategy'. A useful website for playing this game is On this site you can eliminate the numbers which have been ruled out using different colours. For example, the mystery number was 14 and the yellow shading was in response to the question, "Is it bigger than 50?". The blue shading was in response to the question, "Is it even?"
Number activity
The following video (4:58) explains algorithms using a
counting example and pseudo code.